Title Datum Service
A journey across Morocco 12/26/19 Travel Report
@ VR Days - Amsterdam 11/12/19 Fair, Education
A glimpse into the Prostoria world 5/9/22 Office Culture
Acoustics Workshop 5/6/22 Workshop
Back (almost) like Rockets! 5/5/20 Office Culture
Christmas in 3D 12/23/20 Office Culture
Dynatrace Lab Opening Vienna 10/14/21 Opening
Dynatrace Opening Memories 11/6/20
From Hofkammerarchiv to Literature Museum: The Before 4/30/13 Exhibition Set Up
From Tunisia back to the Donau 9/1/23 Office Culture
Korean Dinner 9/29/17 Office Culture
Navigation Worlds 6/23/20 Behind The Scenes
OOTY award: 2nd prize for dynatrace 11/25/20 Awards
Opening of Salon Krenek 9/30/21 Exhibition Design
Opening: Form Follows Paragraph 11/22/17 Exhibition Opening
Our City! A Set Up. 11/18/13 Exhibition Set Up
Pimping Our Ride! 11/4/21 PLANET Team
PLANET Day Out 5/22/20 Office Culture
PLANET goes NEW YORK 9/5/11 Competition
PLANET Lexicon 4/7/20 Office Culture
PLANET Trip to Linz 7/26/21 Office Culture
PLANET turns 11 5/12/12 Office Culture
PLANET turns 22! 7/21/23 Office Culture
Pre-Christmas handicrafts made by Santa PLANET 12/23/19 Christmas Cards
ROAMING NEW WORLDS! 12/12/22 Office Culture
SPACE Charts 4/9/20 Space Charts
The Sausage! 1/21/11 Opening - Factory Extension
The Worktable - A Setup 3/27/15 Product Assembly
To the moon and back! 10/15/22 Office Culture
Together in Barcelona 3/1/19 Travel Report
WE CARE ABOUT OUR PLANET 12/16/22 Behind the Scene
We won the Big See Award! 5/22/23 Awards
Wood House 5/2/15 Building Site
Work on the Road 6/22/20 Planet Project
Worldenvironment Day: The Sustainable Republic 6/5/20 Publication